Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Hammurabi – BC

Babylonian king

If a man has knocked out the teeth of a man of
the same rank, his own teeth shall be knocked out.
Number statement from the provisions to the fees
due to Medical Practitioners in the Code of Hammurabi

If a doctor has treated a man with a metal knife
for a severe wound, and has caused the man to
die, or has opened a man’s tumour with a metal
knife and destroyed the man’s eye, his hand shall
be cut off.
Number statement from the provisions to the fees
due to Medical Practitioners in the Code of Hammurabi

Garrett Hardin –

Certainly pregnancy is a form of servitude if
continued to term it results in parenthood, which
is also a kind of servitude to be endured for the
best years of a woman’s life.

George Harley –

Scottish physician

True science is the key to wise practice.
Diseases of the Liver,Title page ()

George T. Harrell –

The physician’s continuing education, whether he
is a scientist practising in a medical school or a
general practitioner practicing in some rural area,
is largely a process within himself, one he pursues
on his own.
Journal of Medical Education: ()

William Harvey –

English physician

Everything from an egg.
De Generatione Animalium, Frontispiece

... the blood passes through the heart and lungs
by means of the heart’s force and is sent out to all
parts of the body where it enters the veins and the
pores of the flesh.
Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in

The heart of animals is the foundation of their
life, the sovereign of everything within them,
the sum of their microcosm, that upon which all
their growth. depends, from which all power
Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in

If any part of the after-burden be left sticking to
the uterus the after-purgings will flow forth
evil-scented, green and as if they proceeded from
a dead body: and sometimes the courage and
strength of the womb being quite vanquished, a

suddaine Gangrene doth induce a certain death.
Writing in on puerperal sickness, Age of Agonyp. ,
Guy Williams. Constable and Co. Ltd, London ()

For the honour of the Profession to continue to
mutual love and affection among themselves
without which neither the dignity of the College
can be preserved nor yet particular men receive
benefit by their admission into the College which
else they might expect, ever remembering that
‘Concordia res parvae crescunt, Discordia magnae
Trust Deed to the Royal College of PhysiciansJune ()

Lady Flora Hastings –

British poet

Grieve not that I die young. Is it not well
To pass away ere life hath lost its brightness?
Swan Song

Lord Havers –

British lawyer and politician

I am also satisfied that a person who has a duty of
care may be guilty of murder by omitting to fulfill
that duty, as much as by committing any
positive act.
High Court Judgment ()

Nathaniel Hawthorne –

US novelist

A bodily disease, may after all, be but a symptom
of some ailment in the spiritual part.
The Scarlet LetterCh. 

Sir John Hawton –

British politician

The British Government have announced that
they intend to establish a comprehensive Health
Service for everyone in the country.
Statement in 

William Hay –

A man, that cannot shine in his Person, will have
recourse to his Understanding.
Essay on Deformity

William Hazlitt –

British writer

Death is the greatest evil, because it cuts off hope.

No young man believes he shall ever die.
The Monthly MagazineMarch ()

The most rational cure after all for the inordinate
fear of death is to set a just value on life.
Table Talk‘On the Fear of Death’

When a thing ceases to be a subject of
controversy, it ceases to be a subject of
The AtlasJanuary, () ‘The Spirit of Controversy’

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