Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Alfred Korzyybski –

US philosopher and semanticist, Connecticut

God may forgive you your sins, but your
nervous system won’t.

Frederick James Kottke –

Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
University of Minnesota, USA

The highest quality of life attainable for any
normal person is the achievement of optimal
function, resulting in using all of the assets that
each person has.
Preface to Krusen’s Handbook of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation. W. B. Saunders ()

Karl Kraus –

Austrian writer and satirist

Psychoanalysis is the disease it purports to cure.

Psychology is as unnecessary as directions for
using poison.

Jiddhu Krishnamurti –

Indian theosophist

Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the
means and the end.
The Second Penguin Krishnamurti ReaderCh. 

Joseph Wood Krutch –

It is sometimes easier to head an institute for the
study of child guidance than it is to turn one brat
into a decent human being.
If You Don’t Mind My Saying ‘Whom Do We Picket

Maggie Kuhn –?

US writer and reformer

The ultimate indignity is to be given a bedpan by a
stranger who calls you by your first name.
ObserverAugust ()

René Laënnec –

French physician

I rolled a quire of paper into a kind of cylinder and
applied one end of it to the region of the heart and
the other to my ear, and was not a little surprised
and pleased to find that I could thereby perceive
the action of the heart in a manner much more
clear and distinct than I had ever been able to do
by the immediate application of the ear.
Auscultation Mediate(transl. John Forbes)

I saw at once that this means might become a
useful method for studying, not only the beating of
the heart, but likewise all movements capable of
producing sound in the thoracic cavity.
Auscultation Mediate(transl. John Forbes)

Jean de La Fontaine –

French poet
Rather suffer than die is man’s motto.
Fables , ‘La Mort et le Bûcheron’
Death never takes the wise man by
surprise; He is always ready to go.
Fables , ‘La Mort et le Mourant’

R. D. Laing –

Scottish psychiatrist
Schizophrenia is a special strategy that a person
invents in order to live in an unlivable situation.
The Divided Self
Children do not give up their innate imagination,
curiosity, dreaminess easily. You have to love them
to get them to do that.
The Politics of ExperienceCh. 

Charles Lamb –

British essayist
How sickness enlarges the dimensions of a man’s
self to himself.
Last Essays of Elia‘The Convalescent’

The first water cure was the Flood, and it killed
more than it cured.

William Lamb, Lord Melbourne


British Statesman
English physicians kill you, the French let you die.
Queen VictoriaCh. , by Elizabeth Longford

Guido Lanfranchi c.–

French-born physician, Milan, Italy
Keep well in mind that nobody can become a good
internist without knowledge of surgery, and
conversely: nobody can become a good surgeon
who knows nothing about medicine.
Chirurgia Parva(transl. J. J. Walsh)

It is necessary that a surgeon should have a
temperate and moderate disposition... He should
be well grounded in natural science, and should
know not only medicine but every part of
Chirurgia Magna(transl. J. J. Walsh)
Why is there such a great difference between the
physician and the surgeon? The physicians have
abandoned operative procedures to the laity,
either, as some say, because they disdain to
operate with their hands, or because they do not
know how to perform operations.
Chirurgia Magna(transl. J. J. Walsh)

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