Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Alain René Lesage –

French novelist and dramatist

We come into the world with the mark of our
descent, and with our characters about us.
The Adventures of Gil Blas de Santillana()

Gotthold Lessing –

German man of letters

Not the possession of truth but the effort in
struggling to attain it brings joy to the

John Coatley Lettsom –

British physician and philanthropist

Medicine is not a lucrative profession. It is a divine
Letter to a friend, September ()

Sir Thomas Lewis –

British physician and clinical scientist

Diagnosis is a system of more or less accurate
guessing, in which the endpoint achieved is a
Lancet: ()

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg


German physicist and satirist

How is it that animals do not squint? Is this
another prerogative of the human species?

Baron Justus yon Liebig –

German chemist

We are too much accustomed to a single cause
that which is the product of several, and the
majority of our controversies come from that.

R. J. Lilford –

Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology,
Birmingham, UK

It would be wrong to think that, as medicine loses
its professional hegemony, the whole of health
care will dissolve into amorphous and
harmonious islands of multidisciplinary practice
floating in an egalitarian sea.
Medical practice—where next? Journal of the Royal Society
of Medicine: ()

It is intellectual and communication skills which
will become the most crucial competency in
health care.
Medical practice—where next? Journal of the Royal Society
of Medicine: ()

The basic contract of health care has changed
from a private matter between doctors and
patients to a more public one between health care
providers – epitomized by hospitals – and patients.
Medical practice—where next? Journal of the Royal Society
of Medicine: ()

Chris Lillehei ?–

US surgeon
Good judgment comes from experience;
Experience comes from bad judgment.
Attributed to him by David Rothenberger at a meeting in
Manchester, July ()

Abraham Lincoln –

US President
If I am killed, I can die but once; but to live in
constant dread of it, is to die over and over again.
Abraham LincolnVol. II, Ch. 

James Lind –

Scottish physician
Armies have been supposed to lose more of their
men by sickness than by the sword.
A Treatise of the ScurvyPreface

Art Linklater

Skin is like wax paper that holds everything in
without dripping.
A Child’s Garden of Misinformation()

Lin Yutang –?

Chinese author and philologist
The Chinese do not draw any distinction between
food and medicine.
The Importance of LivingCh. IX, Sect. vii
Eventually we have to come to a conception of
health and disease by which the two merge into
each other.
The Importance of LivingCh. IX, Sect. vii
Happiness for me is largely a matter of digestion.

John Lister –

English physician and medical journalist
The essence of private medical practice lies in the
nature of the relationship between patients and
their physicians... characterised by patients
making their own choice of doctors, establishing a
direct contract with them, and being responsible
for their medical fees.
By the London Post, Massachusetts Medical Society (),
quoting his article in the New England Journal of Medicineof
October ()

Lord Lister –

British surgeon and scientist
Since the antiseptic treatment has been brought
into full operation my wards, have completely
changed their character; so that during the last
nine months not a single instance of pyaemia,
hospital gangrene or erysipelas has occurred in
British Medical Journal: ()
On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery

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