Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Sir James Mackenzie –

British physician and pioneer cardiologist

The seeming exactness of a mechanical device
appeals much more strongly to certain minds than
a process of reasoning.

A man with angina pectoris is like one of those
old martyrs, confined in a room the walls of
which gradually folded inwards and crushed
Attributed to Mackenzie as he developed angina

Sir Morell Mackenzie –

English otorhinolaryngologist

British medicine is extremely conservative and
hates specialism.
Conversation with Dr Felix Semon

Henry McMurtie –

Boys, don’t study medicine. By the time you earn
your bread, you will have no teeth left to eat
it with.
The Barnwell Bulletin: , October ()

Sir Andrew MacPhail –

Canadian professor of pathology and medical historian,
McGill University

I am well aware that in these days, when a student
must be converted into a physiologist, a physicist,
a chemist, a biologist, a pharmacologist, and an
electrician, there is no time to make a physician of
British Medical Journal: ()

Hermann Boerhaave lectured five hours a day; his
hospital contained only twelve beds, but by
Sydenham’s method he made of it the medical
centre of Europe.
British Medical Journal: ()

Sir John Royden Maddox –

Medical editor (Nature)and broadcaster

I suspect that a large part of the formal scientific
literature is hardly ever read at all.
Lancet: ()

François Magendie –

French physiologist

Medicine is a science in the making.

Bill Maher

Contemporary American commentator

Kids. They’re not easy. But there has to be some
penalty for sex.

Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides)


Spanish-born Jewish philosopher and physician
O God, let my mind be ever clear and enlightened.
By the bedside of the patient let no alien thought
deflect it. Let everything that experience and
scholarship have taught it be present in it and
hinder it not in its tranquil work.
The Morning Prayer of the Physician
Honey and wine are bad for children but salutary
for the elderly.
Mishneh TorahCh. , No. 
A person should not eat until his stomach is
replete but should diminish his intake by
approximately one fourth of satiation.
Mishneh TorahCh. , No. 
A person should not sleep on his face nor on his
back but on his side; at the beginning of the night,
on the left side and at the end of the night on the
right side.
Mishneh TorahCh. , No. 
Excessive eating is like a deadly poison to the body
of any man and it is the principal cause of all
illnesses. Most diseases that man is afflicted with
are due to bad foods or because he fills his
abdomen and eats excessively, even of good foods.
Mishneh TorahCh. , No. 
Anyone who lives a sedentary life and does not
exercise or he who postpones his excretions or he
whose intestines are constipated, even if he eats
good foods and takes care of himself according to
proper medical principles—all his days will be
painful ones and his strength will wane.
Mishneh TorahCh. , No. 
He who immerses himself in sexual intercourse will
be assailed by premature aging, his strength will
wane, his eyes will weaken, and a bad odour will
emit from his mouth and his armpits, his teeth will
fall out and many other maladies will afflict him.
Mishneh TorahCh. IV, 
A person should not cohabit when he is satiated
nor when he is hungry but after the food is
digested in his intestines.
Mishneh TorahCh. IV, 
One who is ill has not only the right but also the
duty to seek medical aid.
Teach thy tongue to say ‘I do not know’.
Medical practice is not knitting and weaving and
the labour of the hands, but it must be inspired
with soul and be filled with understanding and
equipped with the gift of keen observation; these
together with accurate scientific knowledge are
the indispensable requisites for proficient medical
Grant me an opportunity to improve and extend
my training, since there is no limit to knowledge.
Help me to correct and supplement my
educational defects as the scope of science and its
horizon widen day by day.
Mishneh TorahCh. IV, 

  ·    () 

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