Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Everett Dean Martin –

US educator, New York

A crowd is a device for indulging ourselves in
a kind of temporary insanity by all going crazy
The Behavior of CrowdsCh. 

Louis Martinet –

French physician

It is at the bedside of the patient that the observer
must study disease; there he will see it in its true
character, stripped of those false shades by which
it is so frequently disguised in books.
Exposition of the Various Methods of Examination Used in
Medicine. A Manual of Pathology()

Karl F. H. Marx –

German physician and medical historian and scholar

Medicine heals doubts as well as diseases.
Quoted in Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
: ()

Physicians see many ‘diseases’ which have no
more real existence than an image in a mirror.
Quoted in Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
: ()

For thousands of years, medicine has united the
aims and aspirations of the best and noblest of
mankind. To depreciate its treasures is to discount
all human endeavour and achievement as naught.
Quoted in Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
: ()

The education of most people ends upon
graduation; that of the physician means a lifetime
of incessant study.
Quoted in Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
: ()

In nature those who cry out with pain and those
who prescribe remedies therefore are different
persons; in politics they are one and the same.
Quoted in Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
: ()

If superstition were curable, the remedy for it
would long since have been found; were it mortal
it would long since have been buried.
Quoted in Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
: ()

Nathan Masor –

US psychiatrist

The tranquiliser of greatest value since the early
history of man, and which may never become
outdated, is alcohol, when administered in
moderation. It possesses the distinct advantage of
being especially pleasant to the taste buds.
The New PsychiatryCh. 

William H. Masters –

Virginia E. Johnson –

US sexologists

Our culture has been influenced by and has
contributed to manifold misconceptions of the
functional role of the penis.
Human Sexual ResponseCh. , Sect. 

Rudolph Matas –

US surgeon
The transition between life and death should be
gentle in the winter of life.
The Soul of a Surgeon
To do all this to be all this, the Master Surgeon
must be a man of mind, a man of thought, a man
who knows his province, the human body, as a
whole and not only one of its parts.
Surgical Papers

Henry Maudsley –

English mental pathologist
To despise the little things of functional disorder is
to fall by little and little into organic disease.
As no one can have perfect knowledge of all parts
of medicine a simplicity of nomenclature would
seem not merely desirable but essential.

W. Somerset Maughan –

British writer and doctor
When you have loved as she has loved you grow
old beautifully.
The Circle
People ask you for criticism, but they only want
Of Human BondageCh. I

... only four professions for a gentleman, the
Army, the Navy, the Law, and the Church.
but... no one ever considered the doctor a
Of Human BondageCh. XXXIII
You will have to learn many tedious things which
you will forget the moment you have passed your
final examination, but in anatomy it is better to
have learned and lost than never to have learned
at all.
Of Human BondageCh. LIV
The medical profession is the only one which a
man may enter at any age with some chance of
making a living.
Of Human BondageCh. LV
She was very anaemic. Her thin lips were pale,
and her skin was delicate, of a faint green colour,
with out a touch of red even in the cheeks.
Of Human BondageCh. LIX (description of anaemic young

  · .   

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