Thomas Phaer ?–
Sleep is the nourishment and food of a sucking
The Book of Children
Philemon ?–BC
There is not a doctor who desires the health of his
friends; not a soldier who desires the peace of his
Fabulae IncertaeFragment (in Florilegium, CII.)
Only physicians and advocates can kill without
being killed.
FlorilegiumCII.(by Stobaeus)
Melanie Phillips
Contemporary British journalist
Behind many of the most agonising dilemmas in
modern medicine, behind the emotional and bitter
arguments that accompany them, lies the
assumption that human life is sacred.
Doctor’s Dilemmasp. . Harvester Press ()
Medical ethics are a bargain that has to be struck
between doctors and society.
Doctor’s Dilemmasp. . Harvester Press ()
S. F. Phillips
Contemporary US gastroenterologist and professor of
Far too long the enteric sciences, basic and
clinical, have ignored the large bowel.
Introduction to The Large Intestine, Physiology,
Pathophysiology and Disease. Raven Press, New York ()
Ludwig Pick –
German pathologist, Berlin, and describer of
Niemann–Pick disease
Love is an acute psychosis that may always be
given a good prognosis.
Dictionary of Medical Eponyms(nd edn), p. , Firkin
and Whitworth. The Parthenon, Lancashire, UK ()
Sir George Pickering –
Professor of Medicine and Cardiology, Oxford, UK
Medicine is not yet liberated from the medieval
idea that disease is the result of sin and must be
expiated by mortification of the flesh.
Resident PhysicianII(No. ): ()
Pien Ch’iao c.BC
Men worry over the great number of diseases,
while doctors worry over the scarcity of effective
Quoted in History of Chinese MedicineBk , Ch.
Pindar –BC
Greek poet
The best of healers is good cheer.
Nemean OdeIV.i
Dear Soul, do not strive for immortal life, but
exhaust the resources of the feasible.
Pythian Ode
Phillipe Pinel –
French Professor of Internal Pathology at Ecole de
Médecine, Paris
Every illness has its natural course, with which it
behoves the doctor to become acquainted.
Nosographie philosophique, ou la méthode de l’analyse
appliquée à la médecine()
Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs Henry
Thrale) –
Poet and friend of Dr Samuel Johnson
A physician can sometimes parry the scythe of
death, but has no power over the sand in the
Letter to Fanny Burney, November ()
Walter B. Pitkin –
US writer
Many people are better off with grave handicaps
than with trifling ones. The grave handicaps
release copious energies.
Life Begins at Forty
A country doctor needs more brains to do his
work passably than the fifty greatest industrialists
in the world require.
The Twilight of the American MindCh.
Plato C.–BC
Greek philosopher
Medicine is an art, and attends to the nature and
constitution of the patient, and has principles of
action and reason in each case.
This is the great error of our day in the treatment
of the human body, that the physicians separate
the soul from the body.
Mind is ever the ruler of the universe.
The doctors will treat those of your citizens whose
physical and psychological constitution is good: as
for the others, they will leave the unhealthy to die
and those whose psychological constitution is
incurably warped they will be put to death.
No physician, in so far as he is a physician,
considers his own good in what he prescribes, but
the good of his patient; for the true physician is
also a ruler having the human body as a subject,
and is not a mere moneymaker.
They do certainly give very strange and new-
fangled names to diseases.
Attention to health is the greatest hindrance to life.