Mechanical APDL Structural Analysis Guide

(lily) #1 Zoom in on Cross-Section

  1. Choose menu path Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Offset WP by Increments. The Offset WP tool box appears.

  2. Enter 0,0,-0.067 for X,Y, Z Offsets and click on OK.

  3. Choose menu path Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Style> Hidden Line Options. The Hidden-Line Options
    dialog box appears.

  4. In the drop down menu for Type of Plot, select "Capped hidden."

  5. In the drop down menu for Cutting plane is, select "Working plane."

  6. Click on OK.

  7. Choose menu path Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Pan-Zoom-Rotate. The Pan-Zoom-Rotate tool box appears.

  8. Click on "WP."

  9. Drag the Rat e slider bar to 10.

10.On the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog box, click on the large round dot several times to zoom in on the cross
section. Exit ANSYS

  1. Choose QUIT from the Toolbar.

  2. Choose Quit - No Save!

  3. Click on OK.

2.4. A Sample Static Analysis (Command or Bat ch Method)

You can perform the example static analysis of an Allen wrench using the ANSYS commands shown
below instead of GUI choices. Items prefaced with an exclamation point (!) are comments.

! define parameters for future use
exx=2.07e11! young's modulus (2.07e11 pa = 30e6 psi)
w_hex=.01! width of hex across flats (.01m=.39in)
*afun,deg! units for angular parametric functions
w_flat=w_hex*tan(30)! width of flat
l_shank=.075! length of shank (short end) (.075m=3.0in)
l_handle=.2! length of handle (long end) (.2m=7.9 in)
bendrad=.01! bend radius of allen wrench (.01m=.39 in)
l_elem=.0075! element length (.0075 m = .30 in)
no_d_hex=2! number of divisions on hex flat
tol=25e-6! tolerance for selecting nodes (25e-6 m = .001 in)
et,1,solid185,,3! eight-node brick element using simplified enhanced
! strain formulation
et,2,plane182,3! four-node quadrilateral (for area mesh)using
! simplified enhanced strain formulation
mp,ex,1,exx! young's modulus for material 1
mp,prxy,1,0.3! poisson's ratio for material 1
rpoly,6,w_flat! hexagonal area
k,7! keypoint at (0,0,0)
k,8,,,-l_shank! keypoint at shank-handle intersection
k,9,,l_handle,-l_shank! keypoint at end of handle

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Structural Static Analysis

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