Mechanical APDL Structural Analysis Guide

(lily) #1

l,4,1! line through middle of hex shape
l,7,8! line along middle of shank
l,8,9! line along handle
lfillt,8,9,bendrad! line along bend radius between shank and
! handle
/view,,1,1,1! isometric view in window 1
/angle,,90,xm! rotates model 90 degrees about x
/pnum,line,1! line numbers turned on
/pnum,line,0! line numbers off
l,1,4! hex section is cut into two quadrilaterals
asbl,1,7,,,keep! to satisfy mapped meshing requirements for bricks
cm,botarea,area! component name botarea for the two areas

! generate area mesh for later drag

lesize,1,,,no_d_hex! number of divisions along line 1
type,2! plane182 elements to be meshed first
mshape,0,2d! mapped quad mesh
save! save database before meshing
/title,meshed hex wrench end to be used in vdrag

! now drag the 2-d mesh to produce 3-d elements

type,1! type pointer set to solid185
esize,l_elem! element size
vdrag,2,3,,,,,8,10,9! drag operation to create 3-d mesh
/type,,hidp! precise hidden line display
/title,meshed hex wrench
cmsel,,botarea! select botarea component and
aclear,all! delete the 2-d elements

! apply loads and obtain the solution

antype,static! static analysis (default)
/title,allen wrench -- load step 1

! first fix all nodes around bottom of shank

cmsel,,botarea! bottom areas of shank
lsel,,ext! exterior lines of those areas
nsll,,1! nodes on those lines
d,all,all! displacement constraints
/pbc,u,,1! displacement symbols turned on
/title,boundary conditions on end of wrench

!now apply pressure on handle to represent 100-n (22.5-lb) finger

asel,,loc,y,bendrad,l_handle! areas on handle
asel,r,loc,x,w_flat/2,w_flat! two areas on one side of handle...
nsla,,1! ...and all corresponding nodes
nsel,r,loc,y,l_handle+tol,l_handle-(3.0l_elem)-tol! reselects
! nodes at back end of handle (3
! element lengths)
get,minyval,node,,mnloc,y! get minimum y value of selected
! nodes
get,maxyval,node,,mxloc,y! get maximum y value of selected
! nodes
(maxyval-minyval))! pressure equivalent to 100 n
sf,all,pres,ptorq! ptorq pressure on all selected

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A Sample Static Analysis (Command or Batch Method)
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