Mechanical APDL Structural Analysis Guide

(lily) #1
! nodes
allsel! restores full set of all entities
/psf,pres,,2! pressure symbols turned on
/title,boundary conditions on wrench for load step 1
lswrite! writes first load step
/title, allen wrench -- load step 2
! downward pressure on top of handle, representing 20-n (4.5 -lb)
! force
asel,,loc,z,-(l_shank+(w_hex/2))! area on top flat of handle...
nsla,,1! ...and all corresponding nodes
nsel,r,loc,y,l_handle+tol,l_handle-(3.0*l_elem)-tol! reselects
! nodes at back end of handle (3
! element lengths)
sf,all,pres,pdown! pdown pressure at all selected
! nodes
/title,boundary conditions on wrench for load step 2
lswrite! writes second load step
save! save database before solution
lssolve,1,2! initiates solution for load step files 1
! and 2
!review the results
set,1! reads load step 1 results
prrsol! reaction solution listing
/pbc,defa! no bc symbols
/psf,defa! no surface load symbols
/edge,,1! edges only, no interior element outlines
/title,deformed allen wrench caused by torque
pldisp,2! deformed shape overlaid with undeformed
! edge plot
/gsave,pldisp,gsav! saves graphics specifications on
! pldisp.gsav
/plopts,info,on! turns on entire legend column
/plopts,leg1,off! turns off legend header
/angle,,120,ym,1! additional rotation about model y (to see
! high stress areas)
/title,stress intensity contours caused by torque
plnsol,s,int! stress intensity contours
/gsave,plnsol,gsav! saves graphics specifications to
! plnsol.gsav
set,2! reads load step 2 results
prrsol! reaction solution listing
/gresume,pldisp,gsav! resumes graphics specifications from
! pldisp.gsav
/title,deformed allen wrench caused by torque and force
/gresume,plnsol,gsav! resumes graphics specifications from
! plnsol.gsav
/title,stress intensity contours caused by torque and force
wpof,,,-0.067! offset the working plane for cross-section
! view
/type,1,5! capped hidden display
/cplane,1! cutting plane defined to use the wp
/view, 1 ,wp! view will be normal to the wp
/dist,1,.01! zoom in on the cross section
/title,cross section of the allen wrench under torque and force loading

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