(やまだぃちぅ) #1

apart. Come on, you need a break. Let's go get some
wine. It's getting chilly for you. Put on your jacket."
I followed her instructions, mumbling under my
breath, "Now you're starting to sound like a Jewish
"There's nothing supernatural nor magical about
what you just saw. It isn't even anything super spectac­
ular. Here on your planet a person could easily bend
metal with his or her thoughts, or make a seed germi­
nate and even grow in the palm of a hand. Or heal a
paraplegic and change water into wine."
"You're saying that thinking in itself is capable of
changing and even creating matter?"
"Only when the proper magnetic, electrical and chem­
ical conditions are present. There was no reason for you
to freak out like that down there now that you know
what this force is."
"I know, but ... "
"That's why I was so reluctant to come out openly in
the beginning. It takes time just to get to know one
another. Charles, you're just beginning. The fun is
about to start. You have yet to take a little trip out of
your body."
The panic returned. " Are you kidding? You're out of
your mind!"
"Why not? It's the only way you can get to live forever.
To use religious terminology, it is the key to the
kingdom of heaven. Knowing how to take your spirit out
of your body is the first step to eternal life."
"What makes you think I could do that?"
"Everyone can. Did you see the movie, 'Jesus Christ
"Sure. I was involved in its promotion throughout
Latin America."
"Then you must remember a song Jesus sings, it goes
like this:

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