(やまだぃちぅ) #1

What you are about to read took place in 1974, in the
very same land where "gods," "angels," and "divinities"
have been recorded by our ancestors for thousands of
years in the form of scriptures, works of art, legends and
colossal monuments.
UFO sightings, contacts with alien beings, trips to
other planets, and interplanetary pregnancies, have all
been reported by ordinary individuals all throughout
South America for many years, right up to the present
If you have a Bible, it would be useful, to have it handy
for reference as it would be of great value to anyone
trying to understand certain concepts.
The names of persons and places mentioned in this
book have not been changed. They are real places and
real people. Since this is a world of reality, and this is a
journalistic report, I used the names and trademarks
that were part of the story, never meaning to mis­
represent them in any way.
It began on June 16, 197 4, with a Braniff International
flight to Lima, Peru, from Los Angeles, California. A
junior executive with a large United States International
corporation was going on a business trip for a few

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