(やまだぃちぅ) #1


"Your bone structure becomes stronger, your fibers
are stronger, your whole nervous system works at an
even pace making you less excitable. If you eat carrots
and lettuce, you help your optical nerves. If you eat
beets, you improve your kidney function. When you
drink milk, your digestive system is aided by coating the
walls of your stomach."
"I've heard of macrobiotics and homeopathic reme­
dies, they use the same principles."
As we walked along, talking, a woman approached us
with what looked like a Chinese wok, handmade from
copper and very pretty. Without saying a word to each
other, I knew Rama wanted me to buy it. I gave the
woman some Peruvian currency and we continued on
our way with our new copper wok.
After a while we stopped by a few produce markets,
picking out vegetables and fish, exploring the fair as we
did our shopping.
I enjoyed the sight of so many thousands of people
from all over the world in one small remote mountain
area. The tourists were Oriental, American and Euro­
pean, as well as native South Americans. The Sunday
fair in Huancayo, Peru, is very famous.
Rama and I were like any other young couple. She
looked like an ordinary American hippie tourist, cer­
tainly not like someone from another planet or civiliza­
tion. We walked together, sometimes holding hands,
kidding each other, pulling each other along, and laugh­
ing a lot. I liked being out in public with her. It struck me
that her behavior was very ordinary, like any other
human being on this earth.
She was completely relaxed and content, yet it seemed
she used every minute I spent with her to teach me
something new and exciting.
About three o'clock in the afternoon, we both decided
it was time to get back. I began to feel a little anxiety

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