(やまだぃちぅ) #1


about the sixth commandment as a way of saying that
sex is bad. All he's saying is that if you want to have sex,
you must secure something for the woman. It was a way
to protect women, because in those days, women didn't
know too much about women's liberation.
What makes sex bad is the interpretation of individ­
ual religions, which has made sex dirty. These inter­
pretations are a result of the way humanity in this world
of yours has had the tendency to exploit sex, to make a
business out of it. Women and sex were traded and used
in negotia tions like horses, flour, whiskey. Sick!"
"Maybe you're right. I guess I shouldn't be ashamed of
my avid interest in sex."
"No, you shouldn't be ashamed, because when you
make love you do it for the pure joy and pleasure it gives
you. You give yourself to the experience, you like the
vibrations. It turns you on to see your women enjoying
it. There's nothing dirty or bad about that."
"Then it's not a sin to be sexual?"
"If it's done with the right spirit, it's a very soothing
experience, something that makes your spirit vibrate at
the right frequency."
"But Rama, I remember being told that you have to
obey the ten commandments to save your soul or to go
to heaven."
"Not anymore. Those commandments were given for
a specific time in the life of the Jews, three thousand
years ago. You couldn't possibly live by them today.
Jesus said nearly two thousand years ago that in order to
win the kingdom of eternal life, one must do only two
"What are they?"
"Love God and love your fellow human beings. That
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