(やまだぃちぅ) #1

corning years. You'll acquire plenty of knowledge by
direct experience."
"I've enjoyed these little sessions with you; they've
been very enlightening."
"So would you like to go into the wa ter by yourself,
relax, and try to find your silver cord?"
No, I'd like you to be there with me, to have your
guidance if I'm going to go through with it."
When we got to Acaya, we chose a pleasant spot to do
our outdoor cooking. We had brought along the wok, a
bottle of oil, some soy sauce and our fresh vegetables and
We built a fire, cooked the meat in hot oil over the
firewood and added the vegetables as the lamb sim­
mered. Just before taking it off the heat, we added some
onion. In less than an hour we had put together our
whole meal. We feasted on bread, wine, lamb, vegetables
and, for dessert, fruit.
That night, as I was making preparations for the drive
back o Lima, Rarna said she would spend the night with
me again if I decided not to go back until morning.
That settled, I washed the wok in the river and went
up to the hotel to get the keys to the bathhouse. I was in
no big rush to get back to Lima that night. I now had two
things to look forward to, my first out-of-body experi­
ence and sleeping with Rarna again.
When we went to the bathhouse, we lit a candle in
preparation for my astral projection. Rarna kept remind­
ing me that I would need to concentrate and that the
candle's light was to be the focus of that concentration.
The big moment was here. We undressed and got into
the water. Rarna kept touching me reassuringly as she
looked at me with he penetrating eyes.
"Gaze into the candle," she said. "You're going to
concentrate on the flame. Once you're completely re­
laxed, you11 see little reflections of light corning at you

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