(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Education of a Non-Believer-The Final Phase 149

looked out and saw nothing. It was dark, black, like
staring into the night.
Far away, at a great distance, I could see two tiny
specks of light. I knew I was seeing my own eyes looking
into the flame, reflecting the light of the candle. I
couldn't see Rama nor her eyes. I saw only a large mass
of something.
Then I was awake, shouting to Rama, "I did it! I was on
the wick of that candle, I saw the fire around me, I saw
the fire going up and the reflection of my pupils in the far
distance, just as you said. But I couldn't see you, except
for a big mass of something, like a conglomeration of
tiny lights flickering in the darkness."
"That was the reflection of the water dripping from
my hair," she said. "Do you want to try it again?"
"Haha! Do you really think I could?"
"Sure; it'll be easier the second time. Try it."
I tried it again, and again. Four times to be exact. In the
process, one candle burned down and I had to get out of
the water to light another one.
Once I had mastered traveling to the wick of the
candle, which was becoming easier with each voyage, I
began to notice certain things. I didn't seem to have any
sensation other than sight. I was able to see things at a
distance and all around me. I could see the wax of the
candle, like white mountains melting in slow motion.
When I got out of the water to light another candle, a
pen fell out of my robe pocket.
Rama said, "Can you transport your energy to the
very tip of the pen as you did to the wick of the candle?
Do the same thing; find you silver cord on the tip of that
pen where the light is reflecting off the metal. You think
you can do that?"
"I'll give it a try."
I successfully projected to the metal ring on the tip of
the pen, which now looked like a huge telephone pole,

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