(やまだぃちぅ) #1


about ten thousand times its normal size. I wasn't able to
see the other, rubber-tipped end of the pen. I saw a long,
yellow line that eventually disappeared into the uni­
verse. I could see the candle, source of great light, way
above, at a distance. I could see Rama's and my eyes
reflecting the candle light, like four big, bright stars
shining in the endless black of an infinite night. I had no
sensation of my physical body, only a consciousness of
being on the tip of that pen.
When I decided to get back to my body, I used the same
process, pinpointing the source of light in my physical
body as communicating with the light in the object I was
inhabiting. The thread of light wa s the bridge between
these two destination points.
When I wa s back in my body, I said to Rama, "I did it
again." I tried to explain to her the things I had seen
during my astral outing.
"That's what you're supposed to be seeing. You
started traveling in a distance that's safe for you. It's best
that you go only a limited distance right now. You
traveled maybe five feet between here and the candle,
maybe five and a half feet between here and the pen.
Little by little you're going to expand, and each time you
will go a little further. Your perception expands and
contracts in the cosmos. There's a lot of cosmos between
your eyes and that stone over there. Why don't you try
aiming for that?"
This time I found a reflection on top of the stone,
which was wet and reflecting light. I co ncentrated on the
sharpest point of light, squinted my eyes, found the
cord, but somehow it seemed broken. There wasn't a
straight line between my eyes and the light's most
intense reflection point. I told Rama I couldn't establish
the line, that there was an interval in the thread, a
"When something like that happens," she said, "go to

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