(やまだぃちぅ) #1


"What do I want from you? Two full years of your
"Two full years? Are you crazy? Who's going to
finance me? How will I live, who's going to pa y for these
two years?"
"You will."
"I will? You're asking me to write something that may
lead to my being ridiculed and humiliated, and on top of
that, you're telling me I should pay for it myself. Is this
like an investment or something?"
"Not actually an investment ... but as you go along,
you'll keep a diary of your experiences while you're here
with me, then research them, and when the time comes,
almost two years from now, you should have the book
"You make it sound so easy. Where do I start?"
"Start with the circumstances and events that led to
your being here."
"What about my personal life ?"
"What about your personal life?"
"You know how it is out there, when people in power
wants to discredit someone, like in politics, they drag the
skeletons out of the closet. They dig into your most
intimate affairs, and before you know it, you're finished."
"What do you have to be afraid of?"
I had to stop for a moment and examine my conscience
to find if there was something I had to be afraid of. I had
never been convicted of any crimes, nor was involved
with thieves, murderers, nor anyone associated with
illegal activities. Before I had a chance to think any
further, Rama interrupted.
"See, there's nothing in your past life that can be
brought up against you."
"What about the pending court case in California on
July 15th? If I am held in contempt for not appearing for
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