(やまだぃちぅ) #1

cosmic laws. They use scientific methods, like the method
I used to teach you about ananas and anionites. That's the
way we teach our children. From the time they're old
enough to understand, they're not taught to think of God
as someone with a human form the way you people on
earth do.
We don't have any rituals. There's no veneration to
any kind of idol. Sometimes we get together with certain
ones who are more advanced. Then we participate in more
advanced studies. That calls for a celebration, but nothing
mandatory, as you have here in your world.
In general, the sun is the cosmic source of inspiration
in our system. That's where the teachings come from, the
same teachings as found in the Egyptian, Incan, Persian,
Mayan, and Aztec cultur es. In the books you've read you
can clearly see where Von Daniken and others speak
about these divinities coming from heaven.
When it comes to religion, we're going to make a
parallel comparison between your religion and ours. All
the great civilizations have always catered to the sun as a
source of religious inspiration.
When you study the teachings of the Incas, the
Persians, the Aztecs, the Tibetan Lamas, the Mayans,
you11 find they all have one thing in common: that this
Third Force is God. That's what we call the intelligent
force in the universe, the greatest Teacher, the God of
love, of forgiveness, the path of light, the truth of life.
This is already known here on your planet, through
metaphysics and astral projection. Lobsang Rampa's
teachings, and Buddhism, are the same. These truths
were brought to your world by other people from outer
space. It's a shame that throughout the ages and because
of the separation of people, the ideas have changed so
Remember, you and I are just two people from

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