(やまだぃちぅ) #1

beginning of this era now coming to an end, Atlantis
went down, Lemuria disappeared, waters covered most
of the land masses. Before this, Europe and America
were one land mass, also eastern Brazil and western
Africa. If you take a world map, you'll see that you can
make these continents fit together like a giant jigsaw
puzzle. That separa tion was caused by Hercolubus's
close encounter with the earth."
"What's going to happen when it comes by again?"
"California falling into the ocean is going to be caused
by this planet."
"Why hasn't this information been revealed to the
"What I'm telling you was written in the Fatima
message. Remember I mentioned this Silent Group?"
"When you met me, you asked why we have chosen to
be far away in the mountains in a remote part of the
world. It's because we're afraid of being crucified.
Remember what happened to jesus when he spoke about
love and friendship and brotherhood? This is what we
teach. We have to live here where no man from your
earth can come."
"That makes sense. Tell me more about this planet,
Wormwood or Hercolubus."
"After the last Hercolubus visit to our solar system
Adam and Eve appeared on earth. Moses wrote about
them as the first human creatures created on earth. But
actually Adam and Eve were only the beginning of the
era of humanity in your world."
"Remember Noah and Moses spoke about the deluge?
Was that one of the times Wormwood passed around
here again?"
"Yes, that's right."
"The Bible was written about, what-3,000 to 4,000
years ago?"

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