(やまだぃちぅ) #1


"Yes, of course. Whenever you come across angels in
the Bible, you should automatically assume that they are
extra terrestrials.
"It's obvious Daniel had contact with these angels, or
should I say extraterrestrials, and that they knew a great
deal about God."
"That's right. God as a Third Force. You just said that
there are magicians and sorcerers mentioned in the book
of Daniel. At the time, it was common for a king to have
people like that on his staff."
"Then there are the dreams about animals and mon­
sters with ten horns."
"This is where we'll begin talking about the antichrist.
Now I don't mean that the antichrist is going to be an
animal or a monster with ten horns. Here, read the
seventh chapter of Daniel. Read the whole thing."
She handed me the Bible and I read the chapter.
Afterwards, I said, "In this part of Daniel, it occurs to me
that he had a sort of premonition, not too clear even to
himself. In verses 15 and 16, he confirms that. In chapter
eight, he has a similar dream, and in verse 15 , he tries to
understand it again. In verse 17, he hears the voice of
Gabriel, telling him that what he is seeing in these
visions won't take place until the end of time. In verse 18 ,
he faints, then gets back up on his feet.
"I found in Revelation that John faints twice when he's
talking to one of the angels. I wanted to ask you, before I
forget, why do these people faint and try to worship the
angels or extraterrestrials?"
"Because they were terrified. Those visions were
really awful."
"Did Daniel and John see the same things?"
"Exactly the same."
"Wow, what a trip!"
"A trip in the sense that both of these men had contact
with the same kinds of gods and angels that are among

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