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The Antichrist 185

There're lots of people who11 be saved, they're just
confused. To make it easier, let's start by reading the very
first chapter of the book of Revelation, verses one
through three.
Basically, this book unveils some of the future activities
soon to occur in the life of Jesus Christ. God permitted
him to reveal these things to his servant John in a vision
and then an angel was sent from heaven to explain the
vision's meaning.
John wrote it all down: the words of God and Jesus
Christ and everything he heard and saw.
If you read this prophecy aloud to the church you will
receive a special blessing from the Lord. Those who listen
to it being read and practice what it says, will also be
blessed, for the time is near when these things will all
come true.
We are going to be repeating what is written here; we
won't invent anything new. We're just going to make it
simple for you to understand. Just as you've understood
UFOs so far."
"Okay. That sounds very interesting."
"When the Bible was written, Daniel and John didn't
have the knowledge that you have today. Therefore,
they wrote in symbolic language, using mental imagery,
something to be figured out. When these prophets had
their visions, they saw the beasts as rotten and awful.
Remember that semantics have changed through the
years. But the symbolism is here for us to work out."
"Okay, shoot."
"This is where your message starts. He who has ears,
The final chapters of the earth will begin when a
powerful world leader comes up with a formula for
solving the conflict in the Middle East. He'll proclaim
himself the world's ruler, the world's king, or even Big
Brother. This man will ring the world into a war such as
humanity has never known.

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