(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Antichrist 187

In Revelation 13: 1-8, it tells us that he is a ten-headed
beast and he is going to recover from a fatal wound.
Notice that Daniel also talks about the ten-fold combina­
tion of power. You know, ten nations, ten kingdoms, ten
flags. Both Daniel and John agree about this beast. Right
now we have organizations in the world integrated by
ten flags."
"Then these seven heads, or ten horns, represent the
last conglomeration of political power in Europe and
Mediterranean areas."
"I told you I'm not going to mention any names, but if
you know something about it, then you're understand­
ing some of the facts. But, yes, there is a ten-nation
confederacy in Europe, within the Mediterranean area
at the time of the antichrist."
"And we have the Common Market. Aha, I see what
you mean. The Center of the Common Market is
"That's right. I'm just giving you clues. It's up to you to
come up with your own conclusions. I told you that the
antichrist ha,s a great public relations organization. The
fatal wound spoken of in Revelation 13:3 is a master­
work of great publicity for the antichrist. It appears that
he suffers a mortal wound, and then is miraculously
resurrected. It's not a case of a serious wound healing,
but more a coming back to life as described by the
scriptures. It's not impossible to think of an assassina­
tion attempt nowadays, because in your horrible world,
no politician is one hundred percent safe. So this is what
will happen. And the resulting publicity will make the
man very popular when he comes back to life. Someone
wrote not very long ago, 'just imagine what the world's
reaction would be, if all of a sudden a president who was
assassinated eleven years ago returned to the political
scene, fully recovered from his tragic assassination."'
"Obviously I couldn't tell you. It would be something

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