(やまだぃちぅ) #1

unheard of; it would create great confusion. I don't
know. It's possible ... supernatural power, perhaps?
"Let me read the thirteenth chapter of Revelation,
where it seems to talk about this." I read the whole
chapter to Rama. "It says that the antichrist does great
wonders, Revelation 13:13, 'And he makes fire come
down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.'
Then in 13:3, 'All the world wonders at the beast,' and in
13:4, ' ... who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make
war with him?' And in 13:14, 'And deceiveth them that
dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which
he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to
them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an
image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and
did live."'
Rama said, "Satan is identified loud and clear as the
source of power for the antichrist in Revelation 13:4.
"John says, 'And they worshipped the dragon which
gave power unto the beast."'
"Rama, when we first met, you said we would be
talking about Satan, the devil, right? Let's talk about it
now. II
"Satan, as I told you before, is not the devil with a tail
and horns. This is a powerful force, a distorted vibration
that tried to be equal to the Eternal God of Creation, but
never made it because there is only one God. This
malefic force is not only confined to your planet Earth; it
exists in many other worlds. It tries to overpower good,
justice, life, and truth. Therefore, what we are trying to
say is that Satan can be a powerful force; who has
supernatural powers, and is the 'master of deceit."'
"Of course, when you talk about witchcraft, voodoo,
curses, black magic, you're talking about the counterpart
of the good God, the use of ananas and anionites as the
Third Force for malefic purposes.
Could the antichrist be alive today?"

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