(やまだぃちぅ) #1

The l\ ntichrist 189

"So he will have to have some Middle Eastern back­
ground in order to fulfill the prophecy, and he'll have
some pull in the political scene, right?"
"Why not? The Middle East is certainly ready for a
solution to its problems, isn't it? The European con­
federacy isn't too hard to spot. The tribulation temple
for the antichrist is in the making ."
"What do you mean by the tribulation temple?"
"The Temple of Jerusalem."
"Oh, the Temple of Jerusalem is where the antichrist
is going to declare he's the Messiah, so come and adore

. ,,
"Probably. We shouldn't forget the prophecies for the
end of times: earthquakes, tornadoes, floods and certain
alliances with the world church power. Combined with
the doctrines of the antichrist, it should make people
who think of the Bible as a Mickey Mouse book
reconsider, don't you think? When you read Satan in the
Sanctuary, you'll get a clearer picture."
"It's beyond my comprehension now. I don't even
know myself what's going through my mind now. But I
get the feeling you're spaced out, I mean literally. Are
you telling me this is going to happen in my generation?
Like it could happen any time now?"
"Right on, Chacho. You see, the doctrine of this
antichrist will use religion to actually deceive the world.
In both Revelation and in Daniel we're made aware of
the seven year peace plan. We saw already that Daniel's
week is a period of seven years. Daniel 9:27 says:

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one
week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the
sacrifice and oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of
abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the
consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon
the desolate.
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