(やまだぃちぅ) #1

The seven years are going to be broken down like
this: These are the last seven years before the coming of
Christ. If you multiply seven times twelve, it equals
eight-four. In seven years there are eighty-four months,
so half of a week is forty-two months, or three and a half
years, according to Revelation. Daniel says, ' ... in the
midst of the week.' This means that for three and a half
years, this antichrist is going to be a good fellow; people
will believe in him. He'll do great things for the world.
Then will come the assassination attempt from which he
recovers, Revelation 13:3:"

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
and his deadly wound was healed, and all the world
wondered after the beast.

From this point on, he becomes a spiteful dictator
with lots of power, not only political, but supernatural.
Because of the assassination attempts, he will start his
demonstrations of supernatural power, like making fire
come down from the heavens. Can you imagine what
would happen if you put that on television today?"
"Yeah, I can; the ratings would soar."
"For the remaining forty-two months, or three and a
half years, the antichrist's doctrine will be based on a
personal cult. Worship of himself. He'll definitely de­
mand it from the entire human race. Only those few
who experience the Christ Consciousness during this
period will have the means of identifying him as the
antichrist. He's going to be terrifically successful.
Again, remember, he has a fantastic public relations
office. Take a look at Revelation 16:13. The false prophet
is going to be an individual like you or me, very
enthusiastic, businesslike. He'll be well-liked. You could
call him the publicity agent for the antichrist."
"Yeah, all right."

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