(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Fatima Message 215

could pick them up from you. Don't forget we're going
into the Third Force naturally and matter-of-factly now.
Many times we may behaving a conversation and our
ananas and anionites mingle together. Then we become
one thought. Don't question it every time it happens.
Just accept it as a phenomena of telepathy. You wit­
nessed how I was able to pick up information from your
vibes, or your mental images, about your mother. She is
alive, shaped and moving in your mind. It's like putting a
movie screen of your thoughts in front of me."
"That explains it."
"Now when we analyze what you have on Fatima, it's
not going to be difficult for you to understand when we
say 'a man,' 'a group,' 'a church."'
"Don't you think that whoever is responsible for not
having it published the first time is going to try it again?"
"I don't think they can stop it this time."
"Why not?"
"Oh, they would like to, but it's too late now. By the
time your little story is ready, you'll have found lots of
evidence that the situation has gotten out of hand for
them. A powerful church on your planet is already
decadent. That particular church is losing face day in and
day out."
"What do you mean by 'too late'?"
"Too many people are wanting to know the truth, I
guess. The press is getting to people. Look what hap­
pened in the United States a few days ago. Many
reporters who didn't like getting the wrong answers
started to make waves. This is how the whole thing
"Yeah, you're right. I remember, 'the king's advocates,
the press, and a newspaper in a city in a nation'; as of a
few days ago, the king is out."
"The same thing would happen if someone really

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