(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Existen Los Platillos Voladores
Contacto Con OVNIS
Saluda A Usted Y El Mundo

(Flying Saucers Do Exist
UFO Contact
Greetings to You and the World)

And on the other side:

Con tacto Con Ovnis
Para Salvar A La Humanidad

(Let Us Prepare
UFO Contact
To Save the Human Race)

There was some other small writing, apparently the
name of the shop that had manufactured the sign. In
good spirits, I smiled as I carefully examined the sign.
A native woman was standing nearby. I asked her, in
Spanish, if she had ever seen a flying saucer. But we
couldn't communicate as in this part of the Andes the
natives speak their own quechua dialect.
I stood there for a while, wondering how the sign got
there. Then, deciding it was far too cold to be reading
and asking questions about a stupid flying saucer sign on
top of a mountain, I took off again on the motorcycle,
which seemed a lot more fun.
It was early afternoon when I arrived back in Acaya.
The medicinal baths beckoned. My whole being vibrated
with all kinds of beautiful feelings. The balmy weather,
enticing me to swim outdoors, made me feel even better.
In spite of the high altitude, the noon sunshine was
warm enough to dry my damp skin, so instead of

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