(やまだぃちぅ) #1
This is August, 1974."

The Fatima Message 223

Order is absent in this world.

"That doesn't need further explanation. All you have
to do is turn to your news media-radio, television,
newspapers, magazines. Go on."

Satan reigns everywhere, and is the mastermind of
world affairs.

"All I have to say about that is, it's the honest to God
truth. Satan, or if you prefer, the evil forces of the world,
have been ruling world affairs for quite some time.
That's the result of so much hate, blood, war and power
thirst among the nations and businesses on this planet.
It says that he will climb to the throne of the church.
This is going to shatter the hopes of millions of people
who expect their church to guide them toward peace,
but will get only deceit. We can safely say that the church
we see mentioned here has already begun to crumble. By
the way, Malachi, the prophet, predicted that by these
times the church will no longer exist.
When Pope John XXIII opened and read the Fatima
message, I bet he wasn't very eager to tell the world that
Satan was going to be taking over his church. I ask you, if
you were making a deliverance speech, would you tell
your audience that you get your kicks by taking nude
pictures of underage girls, or that you're about to go to
jail now because of it?"
"No, I wouldn't."
"I hope that answers your question as to why the
message was never made public."
"Is it true Satan is taking over that church ?"
"When you go back to the United States, look up some
of Hal Lindsay's books. This whole concept will be more
clear to you."

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