(やまだぃちぅ) #1

between these two points, you have the Salton Sea,
indicative of some under ocean and underground ac­
When the peninsula traveled northeast due to the
movement of the continental shelf, it collided with the
main coast of North America near Los Angeles. Great
blocks of the jelly's crust are being forced around the
knothole of what would be the equivalent of the
southwestern mountains of California, the San Berna­
dino Riverside area, forming the big bend of the San
Andreas fault, an area where a great deal of pressure is
building every day and which will be released by the next
big California earthquake.
Geologically speaking, southern California is ten
times more active seismically than the rest of the
"Rama, I'm going to check this very carefully."
"I want you to take the two years you promised me to
study these things."
"I'm fascinated to see how you put prophecy and
science together."
"All the Fatima message and the ninth chapter of
Revelations are saying is that the time is coming close
when the internal pressure of the Earth will get to the
point of exploding. Any phenomenon could cause the
releasing of this pressure-nuclear bombs, solar and
lunar gravitational forces ... or the encounter with a
celestial body some 3,200 times larger than the earth
along with the alignment of the other planets and the
visit of Halley's Comet.
There will be a great explosion in the ocean. The sky
will be covered with smoke, steam and ashes. The entire
globe will vibrate. There will be volcanoes erupting all
over the place. The climate will get colder because the
polar ices will rush toward the equator, cooling the
atmosphere. As a result, you'll get floods, cities falling

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