(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My First UFOs 17

toweling myself dry, I stretched out on the grass, hoping
to get a sun tan.
I lay there feeling wonderful and at peace. Suddenly,
the silence was broken by the sound of a powerful
motorcycle approaching. I raised my head at the com­
motion and saw, at a distance, the shape of a Harley
Davidson, the type American patrolmen use. It was too
far away for me to make out the driver. My appetite for
lunch overcame my curiosity. I got up and started
walking towards the hotel dining room. As I approached
the hotel, the cycle came nearer and I saw that the new
arrival was a girl and she was indeed riding a black and
white police bike, complete with red lights, radio,

. antenna, and all the paraphernalia for police work in the
United States.
Unable to control my curiosity, I went right up to the
bike. I was stunned to see the L.A.P.D. seal on the
gasoline tank. The bike's driver, a very petite young
woman, was heading toward one of the bathhouses
She didn't look very friendly, so I hesitated to ap­
proach her. But seeing a Los Angeles Police Department
motorcycle high in the Andes Mountains, about 11 ,000
miles from Hollywood, Los Angeles, Long Beach, or
whatever division that bike came from, was enough to
overcome my reluctance.
I walked up to her and asked, "How in the world did
you manage to get that bike all the way here ?"
"Oh, I have ways," she replied noncommittally.
"Didn't the Peruvian customs officials question you
when you brought it into this country?"
"Well, actually, they didn't see the way it came into
this country."
"How did you smuggle it in, then?"
"That's a long story," she answered, "and even if I told
you, you'd probably never believe me."

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