(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My First UFOs 19

behind us and gets us out of the car at gun point, for no
reason whatsoever. We didn't appreciate this one bit
and, with our combined efforts, some persuasion and
charm, we managed to leave him handcuffed with his
own cuffs to a freeway pole. We took the motorcycle as a
souvenir of sunny California."
"You really expect me to believe that?"
"Why not? What reason would I have to lie to you?
You're the one who wants to talk, not me," she said,
"I beg your pardon," I said sarcastically, "I didn't mean
to offend you, but I come from a city where one meets a
lot of nuts who say some far out things to get attention."
Her eyes looked at me steadily. She certainly didn't
look like a nut." Anyway," I continued, "who is this 'we'
you keep talking about?"
"We are a few friends. We travel around the world
bringing the word of God."
"Oh, you're one of those 'Jesus freaks."'
"No, I'm not a Jesus freak."
"Oh no? You just bring the word of God by stealing
motorcycles from poor, defenseless policemen, right?"
"Not really. Things like that happen only when we
encounter too much interference with the purpose of
our mission."
"And what, pray tell, is your mission?"
"To save humanity," she said without a trace of
"What's the name of your group?"
"There is no name and we teach no religion or
dogmatic creeds. Just the plain Love of God.
"Are you some kind of missionary?"
"Yeah, I guess you could consider me a missionary ... -
in your language."
"What do you mean by 'in your language'? By the way,
you haven't even told me where you come from?"

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