(やまだぃちぅ) #1


pen. That's happening now, but not in a collective way.

The 1 ewish Talmud, for instance, talks about 2000 years

that are empty, and those are the ones of the Messiah. At
the same time, Enoch's book speaks of six days, that
must mean six milleniums after which there will be a
According to Habberman's work, Enoch came into the
picture around the year 987 B.C. of the Hebrew chronol­
ogy; a thousand years later, Abraham appeared as the
man of God for the Jewish race, and a thousand years
after that, King Solomon's temple was built. In the
fo urth millenium, Christ was born upon the Earth. The
middle ages marks the fifth millenium, in which human­
ity lived under the lowest concepts of culture and beliefs.
Now that we're about to end the sixth millenium, we
have only to wait to see what happens.
Now Moses probably knew all these secrets. He was
familiar with the interior of the Great Pyramid. He read
and understood the texts, since he knew how to inter­
pret the symbolism of the corridors and chambers. After
all, isn't he the one who wrote the first five books of the
"That's right. You know, when I met you and you told
me that we would be talking about the Great Pyramid, I
never thought it would be like this."
"The chronology of the Pyramid has approximately
6,600 terrestrial years recorded. Those labyrinths were
subjected to chronological systems. Once again, these
are scientific studies based on the chronological systems
found there."
"I promise you, as soon as I get back to Lima, I'll get the
Benavides book. I'll only be able to get it in Spanish, I
"Does that matter?"
"Not at all. Look, if it's in black and white and

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