(やまだぃちぅ) #1

speaking of just one nation, are you? You're saying there
are many other nations who don't want this information
to be revealed either."
"Yes, I told you, the silence group, is a world wide
organization. The world is ready now for a universal
"You mean one man ruling the destinies of the entire
planet? One person with the absolute power to impose
his will upon every nation. Someone like Hitler, whose
dream was to conquer the world? Big Brother, maybe?"
"Yes, Hitler, and many others like him in their own
"When you said we were going to be talking about a
race of people in this world, the only one that comes to
mind is the Jews. Why is it that these world rulers, like
Hitler, have always had it in for the Jews? No matter
where you look, you always find the Jews have been
persecuted, made slaves, mass murdered, driven from
their lands. Aren't we supposed to be the chosen
"Well, Chacho, there's a certain chemistry that the
Jews have as a race that has continually disturbed
dicta tors. I don't know if I could call the Yen usians Jews,
but they're the first people to be recognized as the ones
who cultivated your planet with life, then with teachings
of the eternal God of creation."
"Ven usians ?"
"Adam and Eve were direct descendants of Venusians;
would you call them Jews? Look, from Genesis to
Revelations, your Bible starts with one God and his
angels that are recorded throughout the entire planet.
Names vary, but the deeds and beliefs are basically the
same, despite their originating in different geographical
locations. There are similarities in language, architec­
ture, pottery, and textiles between the Hebrews and the
Incas. Also between the Mayans and the Caldeans. What

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