(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Immaculate Conception 275

get away from science a little and take a look at what
some of the occultists have to say about Atlantis. The
one who you will respect the most, Edgar Cayce, by
going into some kind of astral projection, was able to
uncover what we call the Fourth Dimension in some of
his amazing readings.
This man will be able to get his spirit in tune with the
Eternal Thought of Creation. He'll place Atlantis in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean and will say that Atlan­
teans were able to travel by air and underwater, that
they used electricity and nuclear energy, that they had
knowledge of cosmic rays and that their aircraft were
built on bases which defied the laws of gravity."
"Wasn't Madame Blavatsky born in Russia in 1831?" I
asked. "I read that she went all over the East, mainly to
India and Tibet, searching for religions that would link
us to ancient wisdom and philosophies. She had much to
say about Atlantis. In 1875, she founded the Theosophi­
cal Society. She was attacked by the church and ridiculed
when she claimed that all her writings were inspired
through telepathic dictations from her Eastern mas­
/'That's nothing new in this world; they've been doing
things like that for some time. You asked me how the
silence group operates; this is it. Madame Blavatsky's
case is the most perfect example. They ridiculed her and
her followers, even planting people in her group who
committed frauds, so they could throw them in jail."
"I remember reading about this sort of thing in that
book they sent me from New York, Gods and Spacemen in
the Ancient West. It also said that the Atlanteans believed
the universe to be the manifestation of one Great
Thought, which is well corroborated by most of the
ancient religions and by some modern scientists today. I
remember quite clearly that the planets in our solar
system 10wed allegiance to the lords of the sun.'

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