was metallic and round at the base, directly in front of
me. I started concentrating on the shiny object until it
seemed as if it were a great sphere about four times my
height in diameter. Meanwhile, Rama was making sure I
didn't close my eyes. At first, I heard voices without fully
understanding what they were saying. Then a very clear
voice began speaking to me. I understood the voice, but I
couldn't get any meaning out of the words. Rama told
me the voice I was hearing was one spirit in the universe
that was going to be my guide for the day. I didn't see
anybody in spiritual form near me, but I could clearly
hear the voice. I must have said something to answer the
spiritual guide.
"I don't know, but I feel I'm very far away from my
"Yes," the voice said, "you're many thousands of miles
away from the earth. Are you afraid?"
"Afraid of what? I've done this sort of thing many
Rama asked me if I knew or if I could see who was
guiding me.
"No, I don't see anybody."
"You will see him very soon."
"I can hear his voice, he's asking me if I remember ever
knowing anything about St. Jude, the patron saint of the
im possibles ."
"Why don't you answer him?"
"My spiritual guide says the spirits in the cosmos are
constantly at work. He says it's necessary to ease me into
the situation, because I'm about to enter the atmosphere
of another planet. Soon I'll arrive at my destination, then
I'll start saying some very important things."
I didn't feel any movement as I had the day before
when I was out in space; it simply felt as though I were
inside a dark place where there was no entrance or exit. I
couldn't hear or see anything.
Finally, I could hear my guide saying that we were in