(やまだぃちぅ) #1

"So we have a date, huh! When?"
"It's entirely up to you."
We got up then and paid our restaurant bill. Rama
walked me to the car. We said good by with the assurance
that we would see each other again.
I drove back to Lima on a beautiful clear day. As I
passed the UFO contact sign in Ticlio, I saw a flying disc
hovering over me, traveling at the same speed as my
rented VW. Under it was a patrol motorcycle, hanging
from two cables. I blew a kiss to it, and said, "So long,
Next day, Saturday, September 28, I spent with
friends, taking care of some last minute shopping,
packing and getting ready to leave Peru.
The atmosphere was tense, as preparations for the
October third celebration got underway. I wa s very
happy to be leaving Peru.
At seven o'clock Sunday morning I took off on Air
Panama, flight number 102 to Miami, Florida.
I sat next to Raul Lefcovich, an old Latin American
motion picture supervisor, who was headquartered in
Mexico City. He was going from Lima to Panama. While
in flight we considered the possibilities of coming back to
Peru together to release certain flicks. We made tenta­
tive plans to meet either in New York or Mexico City in
the coming months.
After he got off in Panama, I started thinking about
what Rama said would happen if I made my images with
shape, color and movement. My chances of getting the
thought to materialize were good if I continued doing
this, acting in good faith, and taking the initial steps to
accomplish my goal. This could be a good time to start.
Upon arriving in Miami I met with my business
partners. They took me to a hotel in Miami Beach. Early
the next day, we went to the Miami quarantine station
to take some horses to a ranch near Fort Lauderdale.

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