(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Chacho the Author 331

There was so much I wanted to talk to her about, but it
took me a few moments to recover from my surprise and
excitement at seeing her appear at the airport to meet
I didn't know where to start. Rama, always logical and
full of common sense, calmed me down, saying, "Chacho,
we have all day."
She was wearing shorts, leather sandals, a man's shirt
tied at the waist and a scarf on her head. As usual,
nothing about her would lead anyone to suspect that she
could be a humanoid from another planet.
While we ate, I told her about the Peruvian horse deal
that had made it possible for me to be back in Peru.
"If everything goes according to schedule," I said, "I
should be going back to the United States by the end of
March. I have a list of horses to hunt down all over the
place. Would you like to go with me?"
"Sure, why not. That'll give us plenty of time toge­
ther. In the next few days you take care of your business
locally. When you're ready to begin your search, come to
the medicinal baths and we'll travel looking for your
"How's the book doing?"
''I'm working out my notes, starting to make a
skeleton copy. Is there any deadline as to when you
would like to have it written and on the publisher's
"Well, I'm pretty sure it's going to be around the
middle of 197 6, but since our mission in this world is a
joint effort, we'll have to consult with my brothers.
Don't worry; you have plenty of time. Our sessions, as
you call them, that we're going to have from here on in,
are not to be written in this book of yours.
"I don't understand. Why?"
"Because we're methodical in our contact with Earth's

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