Finally Believing 34 7
"In July? If you're talking politics, the elections in that
nation are not until November."
"I said a political figure. By then, I want you to keep an
eye on a man who is going to become very popular
almost overnight."
"Do I know who he is now, is he in the news today?"
"I don't think so. He's beginning his heavy career now,
today, but he's far away from the popularity that he will
have gained by July, 197 6."
"Is he the great political man who is going to bring us
to Armageddon?"
"You know what to look for; we've already discussed
that in detail."
"Do you mean to tell me that this could be the
beginning of the apocalyptical time of the Earth?"
In the same month and year, you'll see the fuse get set
up for a war. Three weak spots in your world. You'll see
how at any moment, things could get out of hand,
because they'll have racial unrest, hate, and a thirst for
blood. It'll be the beginning of Hercolubus's influence on
people's minds. Observe lunatics and a few earthquakes."
"Will the Middle East be involved in it?"
"That's one of the weak spots."
"A year from now we're going to have a big celebra
tion. Our two hundred year birthday. How is that going
to affect this? Will people see that their nation is about to
take part in a Middle Eastern dispute?"
"Unless people are prepared for it, they won't see it.
They'll just go along, thinking it's another conflict, and
thinking nothing of it."
"This July, 1976. Is he going to have any definite
characteristics to make the people who take the time
time to investigate, suspect that he's the antichrist? Or
could he be the false prophet?"
"You know where you'll find that answer, don't you?"
"The news media."
"But the media won't give you that information.