(やまだぃちぅ) #1

or 747 has taxied down the runway and is about to turn
off the engines. For some reason, they get louder before
shutting off completely.
"In verse 18, the smoke could have been the result of
an aircraft's propulsion system."
I continued my recitation to my young "teacher."
"The mountains quaking could be the echoing of the
landing sounds. In verse 19, the voice of the trumpet
might have been some sort of loud speaker system."
This whole conversation began to get too serious for
my comfort, so I added playfully, " And the burning, the
smoke, was probably weeds, plants, or garbage like
paper cups, fried chicken boxes, what have you, left by
people after their cofee breaks ... "
"You're being funny," she said, laughing, "but you're
getting the idea. Now, look at Ezekiel. First chapter,
verse 4."
I began reading again:

And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the
north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a
brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the
color of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

"Just listen to the words! This is a descriptive narra­
tion. The guy is just giving us a detailed account of what
is happening. Take it from the very beginning, see his
style-descriptive. It's hard to refute after you read the
whole thing. It doesn't seem possible that this man could
have made it all up, or that he was tripping on some­
thing ."
"Fine. I believe you. I believe what's in here. It makes a
lot of sense. But why didn't they teach it that way in
Hebrew school?"
"We'll get to that later," she said. "Let's get back to
Exodus for now, Chapter 13:19-remember the part
where the Jews get out of captivity in Egypt?"
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