(やまだぃちぅ) #1


were right when you said that one doesn't always have
to be a genius to understand what you're saying."
"Charles, I told you that you have the right kind of
mind. I'm glad I met you. You understand, and that's
"What does that mean?"
"It means we always look for people who are open to
these subjects."
"But how could you know I am open to those
"It's written all over you. Just remember the day
before yesterday when you saw the sign about UFOs in
Ticlio, you laughed. Look at you now; you're a believer."
She started to laugh, and suddenly got up to go to the
edge of the wa ter. I sat there with my Bible, completely
amazed. Then it dawned on me. I had never told her
about reading that sign. How did she know?
She called to me then. Together we walked towards
one of the bathhouses.
When we went in, Rama undressed without a trace of
shyness and jumped into the water. I stared, transfixed.
She was absolutely beautiful; I had never seen such
physical perfection. Even though she was very petite,
her anatomical proportions were exquisitely feminine.
Without hesitating, I took off my clothes and followed
her into the pool.
"Rama, you are indeed a beautiful girl," I said, feeling a
need to make some comment on the subject.
She didn't respond to my compliment, so I decided to
make conversation along other lines.
I was very curious about this strange young woman. I
wondered who was the "we" she had spoken of. Maybe a
commune where young hippies lived together?
"These friends of yours," I said, "do they have some
ideas about flying saucers?"
"Yes, very much so."
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