(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My First Meeting with Rama 35

"Do you people have a name?"
"What kind of a name?"
"Well, like Jehovah's Witnesses or the Krishnas, you
must call yourselves something."
"No, we don't have any identification tags. We don't
live in one place, either. We go all over the world, talking
to all kinds of people."
"Then how do you manage to finance yourselves, your
maga zines, literature, your trips? Do you sell dope or
does the CIA support you?"
She laughed. "You're cute. And you're getting to be a
lot of fun. Stick around."
"That depends on what you have in mind," I said, with
a seductive tone in my voice.
"Not what you have in mind," she said firmly, smiling.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to .... "
She interrupted. "It's all right, you don't have to
apologize for a man's natural reaction. And, by the way,
we don't sell magazines, literature or dope."
I was relieved she was able to take my promiscuous
nature in stride. So far, we were getting along very well
and I knew I shouldn't blow it by suggesting something
like sleeping together. Not yet, anyway. I said, "Rama,
you have a nice easy way of handling people. Your
attitude is healthy."
"Talking about healthy, how's your health?" she
"Great," I said, "I feel fine."
"You really think so? Come over here and we'll see. Sit

by the edge of the pool and let me see the bottoms of

your feet."
"M y ee. f t'l"
She took one of them and began pushing the knuckles
of her fingers into the bottoms of it. I screamed in pain
with some of the thrusts.
She commented on each area, saying, "This part of

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