(やまだぃちぅ) #1

your feet reflects the lungs, this is your liver, yo ur
spleen, your spine .... "
In a few minutes she told me I was smoking far too
much, eating too much meat, and that my eyes were
somewhat tired due to too much motion picture and
television viewing.
A month earlier a doctor in New York City had told me
exactly the same thing.
"This is called foot reflexology, zone therapy," she
explained when I questioned how she could know such
things by massaging the bottoms of my feet. "The very
tips of the nerve endings of every organ in your body
come all the way here to the bottom of your feet. When I
put pressure in this part, you don't get any sensation of
"What part of my body is that?"
"Your spleen. But if I put pressure here," she said,
pressing, "you scream bloody murder."
I screamed. "That hurts! What part of my body wa s
"Your stomach. It seems you have an ulcer."
She was right about that, too. "I've been burning my
blood with some job assignments lately," I said. "Hey ...
this is really interesting."
"Actually, you can cure many things by massaging the
key points where the nerve endings are."
"If you say so. Where did you learn these things?"
"Just as I go along-from people, places, books .... "
"Rama, you sure are full of surprises, but let's get back
to UFOs. How does organized religion take this theory
about finding evidence of spaceships in the Bible?"
"So far, nothing is happening. I guess everyone is
more concerned with church attendance. But there are
scientists who are working on finding a connection
between holy scriptures and the stars and other plan­

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