(やまだぃちぅ) #1

"Well, let me assure you, they haven't. If scientists
would assume that, on earth, interplaneta ry contact is a
common thing, I'm sure they would have found that
missing link a long time ago."
"In other words, what you would have me believe is
that at one time, when the earth was populated by apes,
some flying saucers landed here and by means of
interplanetary pregnancies, man appeared on this plan­
"It's not quite that simple. But you're on the right
"No, it can't be. It sounds too easy."
"But that's just the way it is; easy."
"Then why is it that no one has ever even thought of
going into something this simple? Why hasn't anybody,
after years of study and investigation by evolutionists,
even considered the possibility that life on earth was
started by ufonauts?"
"That's a long story, Charles."
I couldn't handle another long story right now. It was
early afternoon and I was getting hungry. I invited Rama
to join me for lunch, but she said she would eat later. My
hunger waits for no one, no matter how pretty, sexy, or
intelligent. I went up to the restaurant and brought
some fruit, cheese, wine and crackers back to where she
waited near the bathhouses. She only took an occasional
sip of my wine and a few bites of the food. For some
reason, she seemed reluctant to permit herself to eat. We
continued talking about the medicinal waters, acupunc­
ture, zone therapy.
Rama spoke simply and pleasantly. What she was
saying began to seem reasonable to me. It suddenly
dawned on me that I was starting to believe her.
"Rama, you're one heck of a salesman," I said, choos­
ing to forget my own experience the day before. "You've
done a real good job on me; you're selling me on this UFO

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