(やまだぃちぅ) #1

"What you're telling me is one of the most incredible
things I've ever heard. And you expect me to blindly
accept whatever you tell me?"
"Yes. And for a good reason. You see, the main
purpose of our mission to this world of yours is not to
prove the existence of UFOs. In order to talk to me, or to
any of my friends, as extraterrestrials, you must begin
with the premise that space travel is not unreasonable,
and that there is absolutely nothing to be frightened of.
If you will take the time to do some research, and if you
have the intelligence I believe you have, you'll under­
stand everything. You can draw your own conclusions.
But very soon you will be able to grasp the idea that
UFOs have always existed and that we are not alone in
the universe. Literally millions of people on your planet
have seen some sort of UFO at one time or another.
"You will be Rama's little experiment. Based mainly on
faith, you will come to accept what I am telling you just
by compiling your own evidence. And by making intelli­
gent observations on what we make available to you."
Her self-assured confidence really got on my nerves.
"What do you mean 'your little experiment'? You think
I'm a guinea pig or something ?"
"Now, Charles," she said, again "reading me like a
book," "Hold your horses. Don't get so excited. All I'm
saying is that if you are as sharp as you claim to be, it will
be a very simple task for you to understand this whole
thing. I'll tell you everything you want to know. But if
that is to be, you11 have to relax. Right now you're very
confused. And extremely doubtful. You11 have to be in a
much more receptive mood for me to get through to
you. II
"Yeah, you're right. This altitude has given me a
massive headache."
"Let's just sit down here for a little while, Charles, and
admire the sunset. This is the one time of day we give

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