(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My First Meeting with Rama 51

our spirits a necessary electrical charge of solar energy."
"By watching the sunset?"
"The sun is a source of inspiration and energy. You
charge the batteries of your spirit by meditation. And at
this time of day we spiritually travel into the cosmos."
"Now you're really sounding like a guru ."
I sat down, got more comfortable and started to enjoy
the incredible view. Rama stood behind me, massaging
the back of my neck. Then she placed the tips of her
fingers on both sides of my head, pressing gently. In no
more than twenty seconds, all my aches and pains were
gone. I was so grateful and happy, I started to ask how
she had done it. But before I could speak, she silently
motioned me to be still, to just enjoy the spectacular
scene surrounding us.
We watched in silence as the sun disappeared. It
started getting colder. I asked Rama, only half-jokingly,
if she'd give me a lift back to Huancayo in a vimana. She
s·aw no humor in my request. Regretfully, I realized that
if I hadn't made fun of her and the things she'd been
telling me, there would have been a better chance for
"I'd better go now," I said. "My friends will be worried
about me. And it's getting very cold down here."
"I'd like you to come back tomorrow," she said. "And
we11 continue your education."
"Okay. I'll spend a couple more hours with you. But
tomorrow I have to leave early. I have a long drive back
to Lima and these mountain roads are rough driving."
"Fine, Charles. I11 be waiting for you at the same time.
And do me a small favor, will you?"
"That depends."
"Don't tell anybody about this. Not yet. Let's just wa it
a while. Then you can tell it to the world."
"What could I tell anybody? You know no one would
ever believe me."

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