(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Science Fiction or Science Fact? 55

some fieldwork with an assistant and a UFO supposedly
carne down and suspended about twenty feet in the air,
about a hundred and fifty feet away from them. The
assistant ran towards it. When he was under it, the
object just took off and disappeared, quick as a flash, into
the skies. Of all the UFO accounts I've heard, this one I
tend to believe the most because the report was made by
the engineer. He works for a company I'm familiar
with-Cerro de Pasco. And I know that in order to work
for that company one has to be tops in every way. They
scrutinize their employees thoroughly."
"Is that the Cerro Corporation headquartered on Pa rk
Avenue in New York?"
"That's the one."
"What else do you know about that incident?"
"Well, one of the workers I know personally told me he
was there when this engineer made a drawing of the
UFO. The description was supposedly pretty accurate:
thirty feet or better in diameter and eight to ten feet
"Where could I find these guys if I wanted to talk to
"I couldn't tell you. As of the first of this year, Cerro de
Pasco is no longer in Peru, you know."
"Yes, I know."
"Why? What makes it so important?"
"I'm curious, Richard. Very, very curious."
"Well, I'd like to help you," Richard said, "but that's
about all I know, my boy."
"You've already helped me, my friend, more than you
realize," I said.
Richard looked at me for a moment, then said, "By the
way, Chacho, you never did tell me how you managed to
get lost for two full days in this part of the Andes
"I wasn't lost. I spent the weekend at the water

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