(やまだぃちぅ) #1

commercial jet to Lima and still another six or seven
hours to where we now were standing. I knew the airline
timetables. No way could that newspaper have come
here that fast. I stared, speechless, at the newspaper.
"Yes, it's real," Rama said, smiling.
"I can see that. Don't tell me you got it via satellite ?"
"Via vimana, actually. It took nine and one half
terrestrial minutes, with a stop over in Yucatan Penin­
sula to get that newspaper from Fort Collins, Colorado,
U.S.A., to Acaya Pacte, Peru."
"Nine and a half minutes, huh ?"
"Wira, a friend of ours, dropped me off here when you
were asking directions to Huaytapallana Peaks."
I didn't even bother to question how she knew when
and where I had asked directions. "Here we go again," I
said. "I guess I just have to believe you."
"I've given some thought to the things you told me
yesterday, Rama. And I'm feeling a little generous this
morning so I decided to give you part of my day." I took
out my notepad and pen. "You don't mind if I take some
notes do you? I'd like to check out some of the things you
"Well, isn't the junior executive something ?" she said,
laughing. "Part of your day. Not bad. Sure, take all the
notes you can. And check them out. That's probably the
only way I'm going to get through to you."
"That will involve talking to a great many people."
"I know, I know. But since your generosity only allows
us so much time, we must spend it most wisely."
She looked at me closely for a moment before continu­
ing. "Charle
s, listen to me. This time I ask you to be a
little more serious. It's not that I lack a sense of humor.
As a matter of fact, I enjoy your humor. But there is
much ground to cover."
Without realizing it, I found I was not really listening

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