(やまだぃちぅ) #1

and a bicentennial holiday. A society that was founded
by a bunch of religious fanatics. The Bible talks about the
fa ll of this kingdom.
You11 get a chance to look at some of the most
fa ntastic revelations that the Great Pyramid of Egypt
holds for you people on Earth. Within its labyrinths the
whole Adamic era is recorded from beginning to end in
The Bible doesn't mention how the Pyramids were
built, mainly because no power on earth could have built
them, not even today.
You're going to learn about a huge celestial body,
about 3,200 times the size of Earth, approaching our
solar system. This planet orbits in another solar system
and travels parallel to ours. Its volume could cause very
serious imbalances to the earth and neighboring planets.
The Bible calls this huge planet "Wormwood."
A church, fraught with power and riches, plays a very
important role in all of these events. A church that
speaks on behalf of Jesus, the Christ, but has completely
abandoned all of his teachings, and now works for
politics and war of the worst kind. The Bible has a name
for this church. We're also going to get on the subject of
'the Devil .' But not the kind of devils with tail and horns,
as you have been taught-Satan and Lucifer. An evil
force exists that is not confined to your planet. It's a
universal, intelligent, evil vibration. In the Bible, it's
called 'the power given to the beast ... and he doeth gre11t wonders so
that he maketh fire come down from heaven and on earth in the sight
of men.'
We're going to talk about a race of people mentioned
in the Bible continuously from beginning to end. This
race will produce two important figures, both of whom
are alive and well today. One, who could be called the
antichrist, is a great political person. The other, the
promised Messiah, is getting ready for Armageddon.

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