(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Science Fiction or Science Fact? 63

He's going to lead this battle with wrath. This man's
name is Jesus Christ. But not the meek, gentle, good­
natured man Jesus you've heard about all your life. This
time, he comes with all his power and glory. I don't think
I have to remind you that the Bible is full of prophecies
about this ... or do I?"
"No, you don't," I said, suppressing the incredulity I
was feeling, listening to her statements. I showed her
the notes I had been taking as she talked. "Is that it? She
looked at my list and nodded her approval. Then she
stared at me. In order to get her to continue, I asked,
"Are you sure you're not putting me on?"
"I know that's what you think. But these things I'm
saying are nothing new, much less a joke. Many people
know about this. Everyone's confused, but, in some way,
you, myself and my friends can work together and make
some sense of all this."
"What for? What could I do?"
"Remember yesterday, when I told you that I'd like
you to tell this story to the world?"
"Yes .... "
"That's exactly what we want you to do. To come
here, talk to us, go back into that world of yours, do your
research, and write about this experience."
"Are you kidding? If I were to write these things, or
even mention them to my closest friends, they'd think I'd
gone bananas, or that I'm making it up, that it was all
bullshit. You're asking too much. I'd be the laughing
stock of my entire company, my neighbors, my relatives,
not to mention my friends."
"Yes, we foresee that. No doubt you would be
ridiculed as you've never been before. Not only by the
people you mentioned, but also by scientists, religious
authorities, the erudites, reporters, critics. In short,
people who only accept their own stud ies in their own
laboratories and their own methods of research and

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