(やまだぃちぅ) #1

investigation. We've taken all these negatives into
account. But why should you care? Isn't it enough
sa tis faction to know you are one of the chosen few who
will know the real truth of what lies ahead?"
"What is the truth? In whose book?"
"The kind of truth that you discover when you set
your own rules, when you've been honest with yourself
and do your own wo rk. Just wait, you'll see all this for
yo urself."
"Okay, let's assume I accept what you tell me as the
truth. How would I tell it to the world?"
"You could write a book."
"Rama, you don't know how funny that is. You're
talking to someone who gave up law school because of
his inability to write and poor grades. And now you wa nt
me to write a book."
"Your giving up law school wa s a decision you made
that had nothing to do with your ability to write."
"Well, anyway, the idea of writing a book sounds
ridiculous to me," I said, unable to contradict her
statement. I knew I had been unable to write and get
good grades more because I resisted becoming a lawyer
than anything else.
"Charles," she said, looking at me directly, "those
children in Fatima were not writers, either. When they
spoke to the Lady of Fatima, they were having a similar
experience to what is going on right now. But, like in
Biblical times, the experience wa s understood only in
terms of a religious experience. The world wasn't ready
for ideas about UFOs and extraterrestrial beings at that
time. But this is something that humanity must know
about now. But the information must be organized and
sorted out first. Then let it be known."
"Humanity must know?"
"Yes. We're going to rewrite something like the
Fatima incident, which happened in 1917. This heavenly
message should have been revealed to the world in 1960,

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